Radish can be eaten as a vegetable, pickle or raw salad. It is also known as ‘Mula’ in Nepali language.
Radish have important nutrient such as calories, Carbs, fat and Protein.
According to Ayurveda, there are many benefits to consuming radish.
Radish (Mula) pickle is famous in Nepal, specially in Pahadi and Himali region. Radish Pickle (Mula ko Achar) has been made In every function or celebration. It also made in the factibals such as Dasain, Tihar.
Consumption of radish is very beneficial for kidney problems, piles, stomach problems, weight loss, intestinal problems. Radish is also considered beneficial for people with diabetes.
It can be eaten by making radish pickle to taste or change the taste of the mouth.
Today we have come up with a method to make radish pickle, which you can easily make at home in less time.
Ingredients needed to make radish pickle:
Cut radish dried in the sun for 2 to 3 hours, fennel powder, fenugreek powder, jowar powder, cumin powder, mustard powder, asafoetida powder, salt to taste, chilli.
Other materials; Mustard oil as required, Fenugreek seeds, Turmeric as per requirement, Lemons, and Salt as required.
Method of making radish pickle:
The prepared radish should be kept in a clean and easy to use container and all the spices should be mixed.
Heat the oil, cool it a little and mix it in the pickle.
To add spice to all the radishes, grind the pickles well and put them in a clean bottle dipped in oil.
If the air is cracked or it rains, the pickle may spoil or become moldy.
The pickled bottle should be kept in the sun for a week.
If you don’t like to eat plain pickles, you can add cauliflower, banda, tomato, green chilli, carrot, garlic and ginger with radish and make pickles using the above method.
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